Word Wizard (VIC-20, Cassette) Micro-Ware Distributing - 1982 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Word Wizard
Packaging cover Word Wizard.
Product ID MWARD0001
Platform(s) VIC-20
Packaging Cardboard Sleeve With Styrofoam
Media Cassette
Copyright date 1982
Publisher(s) Micro-Ware Distributing
Category(s) Productivity, Word Processing, Word Processor
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

A simple to use word processor with advanced features that allow you to compose text, easily correct or edit it, and file it for use later on. Text justification and optional use of joystick for cursor movement, make this word processor simple enough for children but sophisticated enough for business applications.

  1. Easy to operate because it uses standard VIC editing commands.
  2. Has delete word and search functions for easy corrections.
  3. Optional use of joystick for cursor movement.
  4. Word Wizard operates quickly since it is written entirely in machine language.
  5. Both justified print and centered text are supported.
  6. Easily adjust page layouts (top or bottom margin, left margin, text width and line spacing).
  7. Append previously saved text to any current file.
  8. Save your finished work to tape or disk (disk use optional).
  9. Advanced commands for delete word, search for word, insert word and retrieve text if it has been mistakenly deleted; make Word Wizard superior to other products.
  10. Quick display of available space left for text input takes the guesswork out of file sizes.

System Requirements

Required RAM 16K

Box Scans

Cardboard Sleeve With Styrofoam cover Word Wizard. Cardboard Sleeve With Styrofoam back Word Wizard.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
