Window Writer (PC, 5 1/4" Disk) TriMicro - 1989 USA, Canada Release
Window Writer
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Product ID | TMICR0008 |
Platform(s) | PC |
Media | 5 1/4" Disk |
Copyright date | 1989 |
Publisher(s) | TriMicro |
Category(s) | Productivity, Word Processing, Word Processor |
Country of Origin | United States of America |
Description from the packaging.
The ultimate reference writer.
Finally, you can look up notes in one window while writing in the other. Blocks of text can be moved between windows to save typing. Compatible with Easy Working Writer and Swift Word.
Free database
- Up to three windows supported, dictionary, library of suggested business and personal letters.
- Your choice of pull-down menus, speed key control, and macros.
- Custom printing features such as italics, superscript, subscript, and more.
- Merge option with data base information.
The writing tool that eliminates the shuffling of stacks of paper or flipping through index cards!
If you've ever struggled with project notes and references, you'll find the ability to browse through them while writing an invaluable memory tickler. To make writing more enjoyable, a rich variety of editing features are supported.
Use block editing to move text from one window to another, placing exactly the right paragraph or quotation just where you want it. Change your mind about margins? Reformat only a paragraph or the entire document. To find the appropriate material, the search function is at the ready. Customize printing options to your printer if it's not one already included.
When you're at a loss for words, consult the library of suggested letters, openings, and power phrases. Built sequences for designing common elements of documents. Playing these back makes creating report formats, letterhead, and forms an easy task. And, the data base keeps up to 5,000 records organized to be sorted and sifted before merging with text files.
It really doesn't matter whether you're writing business proposals, project summaries, term papers, personal letters, or other presentations. Window Writer keeps the message on target with easy on-line reference to your material.
System Requirements
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Required CPU | XT 8088/8086 |
Required RAM | 512K |
Supported Video | CGA EGA Hercules Monochrome |
Box Scans
Package Contents
Cheats or Easter Eggs
Technical Notes
- 1989 DOS Productivity
- 1989 DOS Software
- 1989 DOS Word Processing
- 1989 DOS Word Processor
- 1989 PC Software
- 1989 Productivity
- 1989 Software
- 1989 TriMicro
- 1989 Word Processing
- 1989 Word Processor
- DOS Productivity
- DOS Software
- DOS Word Processing
- DOS Word Processor
- PC Software
- Productivity
- TriMicro
- Word Processing
- Word Processor