WW2 Air Force Commander (PC, 1.44MB 3 1/2" Disk) Impressions - 1993 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
WW2 Air Force Commander
Packaging cover WW2 Air Force Commander.
Product ID 51676-90170
Product UPC 751676901701
Platform(s) PC
Packaging Retail Box
Media 1.44MB 3.5" Disk
Copyright date 1993
Publisher(s) Impressions
Category(s) Entertainment, Simulation, Flight Simulator, World War II Flight Simulator
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Take command of the airforce in this exciting and challenging simulation of air warfare in the Second World War! As commander, you'll have complete control over your side's entire air force, and must plan how to use them to best effect. Decide where to locate each unit, and set up appropriate missions for each one. You'll need to set up defensive patrols to secure the safety of your key sites as well as offensive missions to take out the enemy's strike capability!

The Battle of Britain early, in World War II was the first large-scale air war. Continental Europe had fallen to the Nazi Blitzkrieg attacks, and Britain alone remained free and fighting. Without the years of preparation the Germans had, the Royal Air Force had many fewer planes than the Luftwaffe; the outlook was bleak. But with heroic bravery and careful planning, the Spitfires and Hurricanes managed to stave off German bombers for long enough for Britain to survive, and America to join in the fight against tyranny.

Now you can recreate this and many other scenarios. The Battle of Britain showed just how important it is to be master of the skies- are you up to the job?

Air Force Commander: World War Two Edition, is the second game in the Air Force Commander series, and follows the success of the first game, set in the Middle East.

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." - Winston Churchill


  • 28 Historic World War II scenarios
  • Wide variety of World War II planes
  • Satellite, radar, and geographical maps
  • 256-color VGA graphics
  • Easy-to-use point 'n' click interface
  • Choose your scenario, then devise your plan of attack!
  • See planes execute your orders and bomb enemy targets!
  • Select a squadron from the airbase for your next critical mission!
  • Use advanced radar systems to plan your combat missions.
  • Ordering a Spitfire to intercept hostile planes is as easy as point-and-click.

Here's what the press said about the first Air Force Commander:

"Air Force Commander is an excellent, highly playable game of war over the Middle East." - Amiga World

"Modern and thought-provoking, this real-time strategy game has enough scenarios to get players going quickly and keep them exploring for quite a while." - Computer Gaming World

"For those who prefer a challenge over eye-candy reaction tests, this game is a winner." - Game Bytes Magazine

System Requirements

Required CPU AT 286
Required RAM 640K
Recommend Mouse Yes
Supported Audio AdLib
Supported Video VGA

Box Scans

Retail Box cover WW2 Air Force Commander. Retail Box back WW2 Air Force Commander.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
