TimeOut DeskTools II (Apple II, 3 1/2" Disk and 5 1/4" Disk) Beagle Bros - 1988 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Timeout DeskTools II
Product ID 44436-20133
Product UPC 044436201334
Platform(s) Apple II
Packaging Retail Box
Media 3 1/2" Disk and 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1988
Publisher(s) Beagle Bros
Category(s) Utilities
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Powerful Desk Accessories for AppleWorks!

TimeOut DeskTools II includes these major features:

  • Area Codes- instantly finds area codes for over 500 U.S. and Canadian cities.
  • Calculator+ is a multi-function engineering and financial calculator including: Trigonometric functions and their inverses in degrees, radians, or gradians; logarithmic functions; amoritzation, loan payments. lump-sum and periodic investments, present and future values; logic and bit manipulation for programmers; and math functions inlcluding cube root and factorial. Other features include a selectable compounding rate, decimal or hexadecimal display, fixed or floating decimal, scientific notation, four place stack, four memory registers, fourteen built-in constants, and sixteen places of significance.
  • Clipboard Viewer- lets you view the clipboard instantly and optionally delete information from it.
  • Directree- lists all files on any disk in a tree format, allowing you to quickly find the full pathname of any file and optionally load it.
  • Disk tester- finds physical disk problems on any disk without destroying your data.
  • File Search- searches any or all AppleWorks files for a phrase you select and displays it in context.
  • Measurements- converts standard and metric length, liquid measure, weights, and times among various units.
  • Printer Manager- lets you send control codes to your printer using their function names; simply select the function from the menu.
  • Screen Out- blanks out your monitor to prevent burn-in, or, by using an optional user selected security code, prevent unauthorized tampering while you're away fron your desk.
  • Screen Printer- prints a variably sized block of your AppleWorks screen to your printer.
  • Stop Watches- keeps time while you work in AppleWorks. Great for timing phone calls or billable work. (Requires a ProDOS click for hours and minutes. Seconds are available only on the Apple IIGS.)

TimeOut DeskTools II works with AppleWorks 2.0 or later and requires an Apple IIe (128K minimum), IIc, or IIGS.

System Requirements

Apple II
Required CPU Apple IIe
Required RAM 128K

Box Scans



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
