Telengard (PC, 5 1/4" Disk) Avalon Hill - 1985 USA, Canada Release
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Product ID | AVALN0021 |
Platform(s) | DOS |
Packaging | Retail Box |
Media | 5 1/4" Disk |
Copyright date | 1985 |
Publisher(s) | Avalon Hill |
Category(s) | Entertainment, Role Playing |
Country of Origin | United States of America |
Description from the packaging.
Nobody knows who built the great underground labyrinth called Telengard. Some say that the souls that perish there feed some unspeakable demon. Others say that it is a testing ground for wizards and warriors. Even the most seasoned of fighters sometimes do not return from the nethermost levels of the dungeon. But, like gamblers, even the most successful of adventurers return again and again down into the circular stairways and tomblike corridors of Telengard, risking their very lives for gold, treasure and magical powers.
Telengard is a solitaire game between you and your microcomputer. However, it may also be played as a competition between two or more players. Like a deck of cards, there is virtually no limit to the number of ways the game may be played... You can compete to see who can advance his character up to level three the fastest, you can "roll" until you get a character with a high special ability for spellcasting or charm, or you can just go to see who can "snarf up" the most gold in a given time.
Telengard even allows you to save your character for later play so that you can go eat dinner and come back. You can lose your spouse, your job, some of your marbles, and a lot of sleep.
The sunken levels of Telengard are as ancient as the dragons and trolls that roam them, as modern as its noiseless elevators and as advanced as its teleport booths. Its very existence is a mystery; its owners or creators are unknown.
It is an enigma, a maze, a treasure chest, an arena... and it is also a quick death for the unwary.
It is... Telengard.
System Requirements
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Required RAM | 128K |
Supported Video | CGA |