Space Quarks (Apple II, 5 1/4" Disk) Broderbund Software - 1981 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Space Quarks
Packaging cover Space Quarks.
Product ID BRODE0058
Platform(s) Apple II
Packaging Plastic Bag
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1981
Publisher(s) Broderbund Software
Developer(s) Chris Jochumson
Category(s) Entertainment, Arcade
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

In the beginning was the Word, but right after that came...

Space Quarks

Only recently discovered by Dr. Chris Jochumson at the Broderbund Scientific Research Labs are these small, playful, beautiful and dangerous little particles known as space quarks. Using photographic techniques unknown until the advent of the Apple computer, Dr. Jochumson has been able to capture these little beauties and their death dances on disk.

Are these nature's choreographers?

Dr. Jochumson theorizes that the mysterious and intricate dances of the space quarks may be the foundation of all artistic motion in the universe! He cites evidence of a mysterious meteor barrage in the town of Bolshoi in the Soviet Union in the late 19th Century as indicative of such influences.

Experiments conducted at Broderbund indicate that space quarks are capable of a vast array of syncopated movements, but when prodded individually will get extremely agitated and often zap the research scientist.

Because of the difficulties Broderbund has experienced in hiring new research assistants for the quark labs, we are now offering our experimental quark simulation studies on disk to those of the general public with 48K Apple II microcomputers (either 13 or 16 sector). The price is $29.95. Who knows, maybe it will win someone a Nobel prize.

How to conduct your own research into the Space Quarks Phenomenon:

You may conduct your own research using the input device of your choice (white lab coat optional). Merely press the escape key to see the master control menu. Audio feedback it optional and controlled from the same menu. When you are ready to begin the experiments, press =RETURN=.

The object of your studies is to incite the space quarks to critical mass by injecting them with riboflavin from the tank at the bottom of the screen (in keyboard mode, injection is controlled by pressing any key on the keyboard; tank position is modified by use of the arrow keys). For reasons not yet apparent to us, some quarks will explode when injected, while others will dive vindictively toward the injection source. Although you start with three tanks at the beginning of each simulation and generate a new one at the end of each round, you must husband these resources, and the falling quarks are extraordinarily deadly.

The behavior of falling quarks merits close scrutiny, for it appears to our researchers to be somewhat cyclical. At times they are frighteningly deadly and should not be aroused; on other occasions their reactions are sluggish and they may more easily be extirpated.

As those who know the origin of the Broderbund logo must already realize, we're pretty tight with the Swedes. So if anyone comes up with impressive research results and is thinking Nobel, just drop us a line.

System Requirements

Apple II
Required CPU Apple II
Required RAM 48K
Requires Paddle Yes

Packaging Scans

Packaging cover Space Quarks. Packaging back Space Quarks.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
