Revenge Of Defender (C64, 5 1/4" Disk) Epyx - 1989 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Revenge Of Defender
Product ID 80561-00462
Product UPC 080561004624
Platform(s) C64
Packaging Retail Box
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1989
Publisher(s) Epyx
Developer(s) Logotron
Category(s) Entertainment, Arcade
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Defender is back with a big score to settle...

  • Blast lunar bogies before they jettison quintuplets.
  • Fly through a virus-ridden computer. It's enough to crash your system.
  • Use a smart bomb. Kills bugs dead.
  • Don't eat green snow.

You've rescued mankind from relentless packs of space vermin. Now you've got a gutful of revenge. For all those times your smart bombs ran out and alien death squads moved in... for all those times you were caught in mutant swarms with your shields down... for the humanoid pals you lost to those pukey space fiends...

System Requirements

Required RAM 64K
Requires Joystick Yes

Box Scans



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
