Paris In Danger (Atari 8-Bit, 5 1/4" Disk) Avalon Hill - 1983 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Paris In Danger
Packaging cover Paris In Danger.
Product ID AVALN0031
Manufacturer # 44753
Platform(s) Atari 8-Bit
Packaging Retail Box
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1983
Publisher(s) Avalon Hill
Category(s) Entertainment, Simulation, Wargame, Napoleonic Wargame
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

December 21, 1814. The Allied armies under Schwarzenberg cross the Rhine after marching through Switzerland. General Blucher follows ten days later at Manheim and Coblenz. The peace treaty they had offered was coldly spurned. Napoleon had given them no choice. France must fall.

Paris in Danger is a multi-level simulation of the 1814 campaign to crush Napoleon. The upper level allows movement of corp size units over a strategic map of France and surrounding nations. But as soon as two or more enemy corps engage, combat becomes tactical. Corps are broken into divisions, and the battle rages across a magnified tactical map.

Effects of morale, facing, and formation have all been carefully included. All corps are historically accurate. Add the spectacular graphics and you have a game you'll not soon forget.

Paris in Danger. For those who want more from their computer than arcade games.

System Requirements

Atari 8-Bit
Required RAM 48K
Requires Joystick Yes

Box Scans

Retail Box cover Paris In Danger. Retail Box back Paris In Danger.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
