Operation U.S. Presidents (PC, 5 1/4" Disk) Tanager Software - 1992 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Operation U.S. Presidents
Product ID 32057-00510
Product UPC 732057005102
Platform(s) PC
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1992
Publisher(s) Tanager Software
Category(s) Entertainment, Adventure
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Your journey through presidential history is about to begin...

As a C.Y.P.H.E.R. secret agent you'll explore hundreds of fascinating facts about the life and times of the U.S. Presidents as you race to crack the secret codes.

You're undercover in the big city, eyes peeled for those pesky L.U.R.K. agents. Three clues guide your next more. Just which president was nicknamed the Little Magician...and why? Luckily, you've got your FunCyclopedia, jam-packed with everything you need to find your way. Off you go to the Gallery of Presidents to find Martin Van Buren.

As the last piece of the code falls into place your prepare yourself for the final challenge: crack the brain teasing code before time runs out! Letter by letter you break the code, uncovering the secret message, until at last your mission is complete.

Ready for your next assignment? There's a whole world of adventure waiting for you!

  • Over 1,000 clues about the life and times of the U.S. Presidents.
  • FunCyclopedia with presidential facts, historical events, and inventions.
  • Excellent graphics and sound.
  • Four levels of difficulty offer a challenge for everyone.
  • 160 Games of entertaining stories to decode.
  • Five decode alphabets to choose from: English, American Sign Language, Braille, Morse Code, and Semaphore.

Which president passed the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote?
Which president introduced ice cream, waffles and spaghetti to America?
Who was the only president to be elected 4 times?
Which president is on the $1,000 bill?
Which president brought his favorite horse to the White House?

  • Tour the Gallery of Presidents and watch the nation grow.
  • Your favorite challenge as a C.Y.P.H.E.R. secret agent- cracking the codes!
  • Over 200 years of presidential history come alive in the Gallery.
  • Hundreds of fascinating facts right at your fingertips.
  • Each client of C.Y.P.H.E.R. has an entertaining story to tell- with your help!

System Requirements

Required CPU AT 286
Required RAM 640K
Supports Mouse Yes
Supported Video EGA
Tandy 16 Color
VGA 256 Color

Box Scans



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
