Napoleon In Russia: Borodino 1812 (Atari 8-Bit, 5 1/4" Disk) Datasoft - 1988 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Napoleon In Russia: Borodino 1812
Packaging cover Napoleon In Russia: Borodino 1812.
Product ID 43499-16308
Product UPC 043499163085
Product ISBN 0-88717-225-3
Platform(s) Atari 8-Bit
Packaging Retail Box
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1988
Publisher(s) Datasoft
Developer(s) Krentek Software
Category(s) Entertainment, Simulation, Wargame, Napoleonic Wargame
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Borodino 1812

Borodino, 60 miles west of Moscow, is considered the turning point of Napoleon's fortunes. Napoleon had the chance to crush the Russian army at Borodino, thus winning the war. Yet, instead of pursuing, surrounding, and finishing the retreating Russians, he went soft and let them escape. Once they had mended their crippled battalions the Russians took up the attack and, with the aid of a blistering winter reinforcement, drove the Little Emperor back across Europe.

Napoleon in Russia is a scenario of what might have been. You can either play Napoleon's Borodino plan or devise your own. Game features include command over infantry, cavalry, and artillery divisions; scrolling battle map with prominent terrain; and several options covering fatigue, morale levels, battle speed, difficulty modes and player selections (two player or against computer).

Authenticity makes this game extremely intriguing. The Map is based on the original 1839 Russian Military re-enactment of the battle and on photographs commissioned by Tzar Nicholas to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the action.

You can hone your cutlass on short skirmishes or charge into the entire 3-day Borodino campaign. Tactical hints and combat variations will keep you on the battlefield for hours.

  • Strategy War Simulation.
  • Historically accurate battle map.
  • Variable skill levels.
  • Single or dual player modes.

System Requirements

Atari 8-Bit
Required RAM 48K

Box Scans

Retail Box cover Napoleon In Russia: Borodino 1812. Retail Box back Napoleon In Russia: Borodino 1812.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
