Mission Asteroid + Wizard And The Princess (C64, 5 1/4" Disk) Sierra - 1986 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Mission Asteroid + Wizard And The Princess
Packaging cover Mission Asteroid + Wizard And The Princess.
Product ID SIERA0049
Platform(s) C64
Packaging Blister Pack
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1986
Publisher(s) Sierra
Label Impulse Software
Category(s) Entertainment, Adventure
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Welcome to the world of Classic Adventure, where you the player must use your imagination and logic to unlock mysteries contained in well over a hundred computer-generated color scenes. Each classic adventure takes several weeks to master, providing hours of fascination, intrigue and entertainment.

Wizard And The Princess
One of the most popular classic adventures to date.

You begin your adventure in the small village of Serenia, whose fair princess has been kidnapped by the dreaded wizard Harlin. He has taken her to his towering castle beyond the Great Mountains, where he practices his dark and potent magic. Become the hearty and steadfast adventurer, the one living mortal who can rescue the princess from her captivity.

Mission Asteroid
A true test for the space navigator.

In this adventure, an asteroid of immense proportions is on a collision course with the planet Earth. You need to rocket to the asteroid and alter its course. But hurry, there is no time to waste- disaster is almost upon us!

System Requirements

Required RAM 64K

Box Scans

Blister Pack cover Mission Asteroid + Wizard And The Princess. Blister Pack back Mission Asteroid + Wizard And The Princess.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
