Microsoft Word 6.0 Upgrade (PC, 1.44MB 3 1/2" Disk) Microsoft - 1993 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Microsoft Word 6.0 Upgrade
Packaging cover Microsoft Word 6.0 Upgrade.
Product ID 93007-01921
Product UPC 093007019212
Platform(s) PC
Packaging Retail Box
Media 1.44MB 3.5" Disk
Copyright date 1993
Publisher(s) Microsoft
Category(s) Productivity, Word Processing, Word Processor
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Special Upgrade Edition for users of Microsoft Word for Windows and Microsoft Word for MS-DOS.

Attention: The enclosed program will search your system to confirm your eligibility for this special upgrade edition. To be eligible, you must be a licensed user of one of the following:

  • Microsoft Word version 2.0.
  • Microsoft Word version 1.0.
  • Microsoft Word version 6.0 for MS-DOS or earlier.

It's the easiest Word ever, with features like AutoCorrect that fixes typos for you and AutoFormat that makes your text look great automatically. The secret is IntelliSense technology. Get it in Word. And make every day easy.

More vs. better.
Microsoft didn't just add more features to our programs. We add more "usability" by constantly watching how people really work. That helps us create innovations like wizards that actually simplify complex tasks and help make every day easy.

Word works great with other programs.
Work with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets right in your Word document. Use Microsoft Access database for mail merges. And that's just the start. You see, Microsoft products really do work alike and work together.

Word makes everyday tasks go fast.
The secret is easy-to-use tools, such as new customizable toolbars and multilevel Undo for tracking and changing past actions. Word even fixes typos and adds phrases automatically with AutoCorrect and AutoText.

Get the big picture.
Print Preview displays up to 128 fully editable, what-you-see-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) pages. You can rearrange text and graphics between pages with standard drag-and-drop editing. Actual number depends on screen resolution.

Tools that make everyday tasks go fast.

  • AutoCorrect
  • AutoText
  • Multilevel Undo
  • Customizable, multiple toolbars
  • Zoomable views
  • Variable-width columns
  • Formatting toolbar and ruler
  • Margins and tabs
  • Drag-and-drop editing
  • Integrated spelling and grammar checkers
  • Bullets and numbering
  • Borders and shading
  • Extensive label and envelope printing options

Tools that make complex tasks simple.

  • AutoFormat
  • Wizards
  • Improved Mail Merge
  • Integrated drawing layer
  • WordArt
  • Drop caps
  • Tables
  • Charting
  • Forms
  • Picture and text frames
  • Templates
  • Automatic kerning
  • Callouts and captions

Go Farther with a family.
All products in the Microsoft Office family are full-featured and designed to work together- Microsoft Office products redefine consistency, ease of use, and integration- They look and work alike, automate routine tasks, simplify complex jobs, and share information easily.

System Requirements

PC Windows 3.1
Required CPU 386
Required RAM 4MB
Req. Hard Drive 5MB Free
Requires Mouse Yes
Rec. Hard Drive 25
Supported Video EGA
PC Windows NT 3.1
Required CPU 386
Required RAM 4MB
Req. Hard Drive 5MB Free
Requires Mouse Yes
Rec. Hard Drive 25
Supported Video EGA

Box Scans

Retail Box cover Microsoft Word 6.0 Upgrade. Retail Box back Microsoft Word 6.0 Upgrade.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
