Merge-Purge (PC, 3 1/2" Disk and 5 1/4" Disk) Arc Tangent - 1991 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Packaging cover Merge-Purge.
Product ID ARCTA0002
Platform(s) PC
Media 3 1/2" Disk and 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1991
Publisher(s) Arc Tangent
Category(s) Productivity, Database
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Sophisticated Duplicate Detection for Database Files

  • Finds Exact, Near, and Sound-Alike Duplicates
  • Works on up to Six Lists at Once
  • Merge, Delete, View Side-by-Side, Print, or Save
  • For dBase, R:Base, Professional Mail, and ASCII files

Arc Tangent Merge-Purge rids your mailing lists of unnecessary and expensive duplicates. It offers all the powerful merge-purge capabilities of Arc Tangent Professional Mail in a standalone module for users of dBase, R:Base, and all ASCII-compatible database managers.

Refine your lists for maximum efficiency and lower costs. Every mailing list contains duplicate or near-duplicate names and addresses. The problem grows when you mail to two or more lists with duplicates between them: Eliminating dupes means you'll pay less for printing and postage, and your business will look smarter- for example, you won't end up prospecting for new business among existing customers. Testing for duplicates has other uses, too: comparing the level of duplication between a known good list and a new list can tell you in advance how well the new list will work; also, crossover names (names found on two appropriate but different lists) can form the basis of a very effective new list.

Track down three levels of duplicates, in up to six lists at once. Merge-Purge detects duplicate names and addresses in three ways: it finds exact duplicates, near duplicates (with three levels of phonetic "nearness" to choose from), and match code duplicates, using a customer-defined formula composed of portions of names and addresses. Any of these three methods can be used to find duplicates between up to six lists at a time.

Evaluate, save, merge, print, or dispose of duplicates. Merge-Purge allows you to delete dupes automatically, view them side-by-side on screen, save them to another file, merge them into one record, or print them either to disk or in a report. You can also choose the criteria for record survival in advance to have the program automatically evaluate the dupes as it finds them. It can save the record that includes a suite or phone number, for example, or the record more recently entered.

Work quickly with unlimited records generated in any application. Merge-Purge can handle any size list you may have. And you don't have to retype data generated in your favorite word processor, spreadsheet, or database manager- if your files are dBase II, III, III+, IV, or compatible, R:Base or compatible, or can he saved in ASCII delimited or fixed field format, Merge-Purge can work on them directly.

System Requirements

Required CPU XT 8088/8086
Required RAM 640K

Box Scans

Retail Box cover Merge-Purge. Retail Box back Merge-Purge.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
