Megalomania (PC, 1.44MB 3 1/2" Disk) UBI Soft - 1992 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Product ID 08888-06079
Product UPC 008888060796
Platform(s) PC
Media 1.44MB 3.5" Disk
Copyright date 1992
Publisher(s) UBI Soft
Category(s) Entertainment, Strategy
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

If you've always dreamed of ruling your own planet then this game's for you! In the godly sport of Megalomania, you must battle three ruthless adversaries for supreme control of the planet. You begin your quest at the dawn of time, through the past, into the present and finally fight in the war of all wars in the distant future. Strategy is the key here. How you allocate your people and resources is crucial. Assign them to the tasks at hand...inventing, mining, manufacturing, defending and attacking, if done wisely, success will be yours! As you progress through the ages, technology becomes more advanced and your armies can be equipped with a mixture of the weapons you have available. So it's possible to send cavemen into battle with jet fighters, WWII soldiers shooting bows and arrows and Romans firing nuclear missiles! Choose your player and meet your cruel and conniving adversaries. Direct your followers to build castles, mines, factories and laboratories. Invent, develop and manufacture advanced weapons and defense systems.

System Requirements

Required CPU AT 286
Required RAM 640K
Supports Mouse Yes
Supports Joystick Yes
Supported Audio Yes
Supported Video EGA

Box Scans



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
