MacProject (Mac, 3 1/2" Disk) Apple Computer - 1984 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Manufacturer # M0525
Platform(s) Mac
Packaging Retail Box
Media 3.5" Disk
Copyright date 1984
Publisher(s) Apple Computer
Developer(s) Debra Willrett
Category(s) Productivity, Project Management
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

If you manage projects, MacProject can help you chart the way. Use this versatile project-management tool to schedule and track any kind of project- from producing a book to putting up an office building. MacProject gives you these advantages:

  • Combines powerful capabilities with exceptional ease of use. MacProject takes advantage of the Macintosh mouse, graphics, and pull-down menus- so you don’t have to learn and remember complex commands. To indicate dependent tasks for example, you simply draw lines connecting boxes. Entering other information is as simple as filling in blanks in the forms provided.
  • Gives you the information you need, when you need it. MacProject quickly calculates the start and finish dates for each task as well as for the entire project. It also displays all critical paths (those series of tasks that determine the project’s completion date), as well as resource allocations, a task chart and cash flow. In addition, MacProject instantly recalculates the entire project based on a change in any phase.
  • Tracks expenses and cash flow. MacProject provides costing and cash-flow analysis through financial worksheets. For additional analysis, you can copy data from MacProject and paste it into an electronic spreadsheet.
  • Displays project status at a glance. MacProject graphically displays project status, giving you a quick grasp of your project. To further clarify a project's standing, you can move information from MacProject into other Macintosh applications such as MacDraw and MacWrite. And, when you're ready to commit your project to paper, anything you create on the Macintosh screen can be printed in incredible detail on the Apple Imagewriter printer.

System Requirements

Mac System 6
Requires Mouse Yes
Rec. Hard Drive 14

Box Scans



Package Contents

  • Plastic inlay inside the box
  • 132-Page Spiral-bound manual
  • 3 1/2" Disk labeled 'A Guided Tour'
  • 3 1/2" Disk program disk labeled 'MacProject'
  • Cassette tape case and cassette tape labeled 'A Guided Tour of MacProject'




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
