Home Banker, The (C64, 5 1/4" Disk) Melody Hall - 1985 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Home Banker, The
Product UPC 081577003021
Platform(s) C64
Packaging Retail Box
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1985
Publisher(s) Melody Hall
Category(s) Productivity, Financial, Personal Finance
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Includes five great programs on one disk:

  • The Checkbook Organizer
  • The Loan Amoritizer
  • The Depreciation Calculator
  • The Savings Organizer
  • The Mortgage Manager
  • The Checkbook Organizer.

A computerized check recording, sorting and balancing system.

Features: Do you know all the checks you wrote to charities last year? With the Checkbook Organizer, you can organize and record all your checking transactions. Record information according to check amounts or categories (charities, entertainment, groceries, etc.) by using your own index code.

Your checkbook balance is automatically computed. The Checkbook Organizer also lets you reconcile your checkbook with your bank statement.

Save your information on disk or print out on your printer.

A valuable tool for organizing your home finances.

  • The Loan Amortizer.

A complete, electronic loan amortization calculator.

Features: Lets you calculate loan payment schedules in an effective "what if?" style. Variables taken into consideration include principal, down payment amount, terms, and interest rates. Information can be printed out on your printer.

  • The Depreciation Calculator.

An electronic depreciation calculator for use in preparing financial statements, real estate estimates, and tax returns.

Features: The Depreciation Calculator will calculate the amount of depreciation on a wide variety of assets including your automobile, your home, equipment, and much, much more. Choose from "straight line", "declining balance", or "sum-of-the-digit" forms of depreciation.

Information can be printed out on your printer.

  • The Savings Organizer.

An electronic savings calculator that helps you determine savings requirements for items you want to buy.

Features: Now it's easy to figure out how much you'll need to save weekly, monthly, or annually, to buy that long-wanted item. Whether it's a new home or new carpet, the Savings Organizer will calculate, in "what if" style, exactly how much you'll need to save in order to make your purchases at a predetermined time. Information can be printed out on your printer.

  • The Mortgage Manager.

An easy-to-use, electronic method for classifying mortgage payments.

Features: The Mortgage Manager will break down your monthly mortgage or loan payments into the "amount applied to principal" and the "amount applied to interest" so that you can determine the total amount of interest you paid out and the total amount of principal you paid back, at any given period of time.

Information can be printed out on your printer.

System Requirements

Required RAM 64K

Box Scans



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
