Guderian (C64 and Atari 8-Bit, 5 1/4" Disk) Avalon Hill - 1986 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Packaging cover Guderian.
Product ID 45708-00481
Product UPC 045708004813
Manufacturer # 48193
Platform(s) C64 and Atari 8-Bit
Packaging Retail Box
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1986
Publisher(s) Avalon Hill
Category(s) Entertainment, Simulation, Wargame, World War II Wargame
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

On the Road to Moscow...

As the German Wehrmacht approached the open steppes around Smolensk, the invasion of the Soviet Union was on schedule. At this rate, the army would capture Moscow and throw the Russians out of the European continent by the time the snows fell.

At the head of the Panzergruppe invading central Russia was General Heinz Guderian, the man who turned the potential of armor into the reality of Blitzkrieg warfare. Opposing him were masses of Soviet infantry and armor determined to defend their homeland, but untried in battle. With Guderian's armor and motorized infantry divisions approaching the ancient city, the stage was set for another encounter with the Nazi juggernaut.

Guderian simulates this critical campaign of the Second World War, using the acclaimed joystick-driven system from Gulf Strike. On the full-color scrolling map of central Russia, the German player must master Blitzkrieg tactics to encircle and overrun Soviet divisions and drive deep enough into Russia to make the capture of Moscow possible. At your command are infantry divisions, panzer regiments, motorized infantry, panzergrenadiers, even the 1st German Cavalry Division.

The Soviet player must work to counter the German threat, and make attacks capable of cutting off supply to the forward units. While your army is massive, it is also untrained. Soviet units begin play with hidden strength revealed only at the moment of combat. Uncertainty is always present. The game becomes a tense contest as German units blunder into Soviet strongpoints, while Russian attacks can suddenly turn into a rout.

Guderian has a solitaire option allowing you to take command of either the German or Soviet armies, as well as overrun attacks, supply rules, Soviet leaders, rail movement and optional reinforcements. The rulebook introduces new players to historical gaming, explaining clearly concepts such as zones of control, supply, combat and movement.

The battle for Moscow was lost of the fields of Smolensk. Now is the time for you to re-create (and rewrite) history with Guderian.

System Requirements

Atari 8-Bit
Required RAM 48K
Required RAM 64K

Box Scans

Retail Box cover Guderian. Retail Box back Guderian.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
