Grammatik IV Version 2.0 (PC, 5 1/4" Disk and 3 1/2" Disk) Reference Software - 1991 USA, Canada Release
Grammatik IV
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Product ID | 31755-17000 |
Product UPC | 031755170007 |
Platform(s) | PC |
Packaging | Retail Box |
Media | 5 1/4" Disk and 3 1/2" Disk |
Copyright date | 1991 |
Publisher(s) | Reference Software |
Category(s) | Productivity, Word Processing, English Grammar Checker |
Country of Origin | United States of America |
Description from the packaging.
Write Better Or Your Money Back!
Grammatik is so effective, we guarantee it will improve your writing in 30 days or your money back. Grammatik proofreads your writing for thousands of writing errors. It gives you immediate, on-screen feedback on mistakes in grammar, style, improper sentence construction, subject/verb agreement, passive voice, and more. Grammatik shows errors in context and lets you make corrections immediately. It even includes grammar and style help for instant advice on everything from adverbs to split infinitives. All of which means your writing is clear, concise and best of all, correct.
Finally, writing improvement software that's as easy to use as a spelling checker.
1. Just select the file name of your document and choose a writing style.
2. Watch as Grammatik highlights writing errors. You decide how to proceed:
- Let Grammatik replace the errors for you instantly.
- Make corrections yourself.
- Mark the errors to change later.
- Ignore Grammatik's suggestions.
3. Go right back to your corrected document.
The Ultimate Writing Improvement Software.
Catches errors you might miss:
Grammatick actually recognizes parts of speech, so it finds incorrect homonyms like their/there/they're, improper possessive forms like it's/its, transpositions like form/from, and spelling errors like proof read.
Features Mouse Support:
Grammatik's new mouse support makes it even easier to correct errors. Just point and click for efficient writing improvement.
Supports your user spelling dictionary:
Grammatik's spelling checker recognizes the personal and professional words you've added to your Word-Perfect or Microsoft Word User Spelling dictionary.
Offers a choice of writing styles:
Grammatik's Writing Style Option lets you choose from six writing styles (Business, Technical, Fiction, General, Informal, Custom) for fast, accurate error checking.
Lets you add your own Grammar and Style Rules:
Grammatik's Rule and Help Editor lets you add your own writing rules, and customize the program to fit your personal or corporate style.
Gives you instant, complete advice:
Grammatik's Grammar Help Dictionary gives you in-depth information on grammar and style questions and explains writing problems simply and clearly.
Grammar and Style Errors.
- Incomplete sentences.
- Subject/Verb disagreement.
- Incorrect homonyms.
- Non-standard adverb usage.
- Long sentences.
- Improper pronoun usage.
- Passive voice.
- Number/quantity disagreement.
- Double negatives.
- Incorrect verb forms.
- Improper infinitive usage.
- Improper comparatives.
- Paragraph problems.
- Improper article usage.
- Improper possessive forms.
- Transposed letters.
Phrase Errors.
- Archaic and foreign words.
- Cliches and jargon.
- Commonly confused words.
- Redundant phrases.
- Vague adverbs.
- Misused trademarks.
- Long-winded or wordy phrases.
- Informal phrases.
- Gender specific terms.
- Overstated phrases.
Mechanical Errors.
- Incorrect capitalization.
- Incorrect quotation marks.
- Improper ellipsis usage.
- Doubled words.
- Incorrect punctuation.
- Incorrect spelling.
- Unbalanced parentheses.
- Number style.
Word processor support:
Works inside: WordPerfect 5.0/5.1, Microsoft Word 5.0/5.5, WordStar 5.5/6.0, and XyWrite III Plus.
Works directly with: Bank Street Writer, Enable, Easy, IBM Display Write (RFT), IBM Writing Assistant, Interleaf Text Files, LetterPerfect, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Works, MultiMate, OfficeWriter, PC Write, PFS First Choice, PFS Write, Professional Write, Q&A, Q&A Write, Sprint, Volkswriter, Volkswriter Deluxe, WordPerfect, WordStar, XyWrite, and any word processors that create standard ASCII text files or Rich Text Format (RTF) files.
System Requirements
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Required CPU | XT 8088/8086 |
Required RAM | 512K |
Box Scans
Package Contents
Cheats or Easter Eggs
Technical Notes
- 1991 DOS English Grammar Checker
- 1991 DOS Productivity
- 1991 DOS Software
- 1991 DOS Word Processing
- 1991 English Grammar Checker
- 1991 PC Software
- 1991 Productivity
- 1991 Reference Software
- 1991 Software
- 1991 Word Processing
- DOS English Grammar Checker
- DOS Productivity
- DOS Software
- DOS Word Processing
- English Grammar Checker
- PC Software
- Productivity
- Reference Software
- Word Processing