GhostWriter 128 (C128, 5 1/4" Disk) HesWare - 1986 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
GhostWriter 128
Packaging cover GhostWriter 128.
Product ID HWARE0001
Platform(s) C128
Packaging Retail Box
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1986
Publisher(s) HesWare
Category(s) Productivity, Word Processing, Word Processor
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

GhostWriter 128 is a truly easy-to-use and powerful word processing program. Use it to create anything from business letters to term papers and print perfect copies. GhostWriter 128 is as easy to use as a typewriter but has the flexibility of your computer. You can make instant changes on the screen and see exactly what will print. A thorough manual is included with "How-To" Guides and command reference sections to aid even the first time user.

Features Include:

  • 80/40 Column viewscreen window of a possible 240 self-formatting columns.
  • Move, delete, merge/insert blocks of text.
  • Center text, align columns of numbers of text.
  • Create headers, footers, automatic page numbering, auto-pagination.
  • Global search and replace.
  • Produce form letters, chain files together, mail merge.
  • Adjustable screen colors.
  • Works with OmniWriter and other popular productivity packages.

The Spellchecker included within GhostWriter 128 has a dictionary of over 30,000 words that can be expanded as GhostWriter "learns" new words. Large documents can be checked quickly for misspellings. All misspelled words are highlighted allowing for ease of identifying and correcting.

  • Note: 80 column operations require RGBI Monitor output. 40 column requires composite monitor or television set output.

System Requirements

Required RAM 128K

Box Scans

Retail Box cover GhostWriter 128. Retail Box back GhostWriter 128.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
