Fire And Brimstone (Atari ST, 3 1/2" Disk) Microprose - 1990 UK Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Fire And Brimstone
Packaging cover Fire And Brimstone.
Product ID 012439-120155
Product UPC 5012439120155
Platform(s) Atari ST
Packaging Retail Box
Media 3 1/2" Disk
Copyright date 1990
Publisher(s) Microprose
Category(s) Entertainment, Arcade
Country of Origin United Kingdom

Description from the packaging.

Fire and Brimstone is the wondrous story of a journey into the very depths of evil- it is the tale of one man's historic quest to quench the flames of Hell forever.

The Norse kingdom is threatened by the iniquitous Hel, goddess of Niflheim, and purveyor of deviltry, whose influence is permeating upwards from her inferno through the other eight worlds of the Norsemen. She aims to spread her godforsaken power until she controls all.

Thor is a man with a mission. A god with a goal. He has been selected by his fellow gods to attempt the near impossible- to travel through the Norse worlds until he reaches the source of Hel's wickedness. In the depths of depravity, he must extinguish the roaring satanic flames by destroying Hel herself. He'll need your help.

The journey will be long and arduous. Hel has sent evil creatures to meet him, delay him, and kill him. A variety of traps and pitfalls await. The reward for success is liberty. The consequence of failure is death.

  • Nine levels of non-stop action against a formidable array of gruesome enemies.
  • Amazing graphics, pounding soundtrack and challenging, addictive gameplay.
  • Hidden rooms, potions and keys to find, and tricks, traps and puzzles to solve.
  • Fire and Brimstone is fiendishly clever, infernally combative and mesmerically addictive.

System Requirements

Atari ST
Required RAM 512K

Box Scans

Retail Box cover Fire And Brimstone. Retail Box back Fire And Brimstone.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
