Essex (Atari ST, 3 1/2" Disk) Broderbund Software - 1985 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Product ID BRODE0061
Platform(s) Atari ST
Packaging Book + Disk
Media 3 1/2" Disk
Copyright date 1985
Publisher(s) Broderbund Software
Category(s) Entertainment, Adventure, Text
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Dreaded news from the Sirus sector! Like a recurring nightmare, the monstrous menace has returned. With the memory of their last blitz of terror all too fresh, the hideous Vollchon battle machines once more threaten the galaxy.

Only Professor Klein, genius astrophysicist, possesses the esoteric knowledge to foil their quest for domination. But Klein is in danger, feared dead! And only one starship stands the slightest chance of saving him. The call for help goes out to the far corner of Sirus sector- to the colossal Starship Essex.

What is an Electronic Novel?

An Electronic Novel picks-up where the printed word leaves off. A dynamic fictional universe begins- with you in the center of the action.

You start each electronic novel by reading the first chapters of an included book and then go directly to the screen of your home computer. The interactive adventure picks up on diskette, pulling you into an excitingly vivid, action-packed world. Your intuition and the choices you make determine what happens next, how the universe of the novel unfolds.

System Requirements

Atari ST
Required RAM 512K

Box Scans



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
