Electronic Commerce: On-Line Ordering (PC, CD-ROM) Charles River Media - 1995 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Electronic Commerce: On-Line Ordering
Packaging cover Electronic Commerce: On-Line Ordering.
Product ID 781886-801080
Platform(s) PC
Media CD-ROM
Copyright date 1995
Publisher(s) Charles River Media
Category(s) Internet, Electronic Commerce
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Electronic Commerce: On-Line Ordering and Digital Money.
by Pete Loshin.

Everything you'll need to understand and transact business on the Internet!


  • CD Includes Internet access software (CompuServe/SPRY Mosaic Direct), a Web browser, and Digital Wallet software from CyberCash; also provides copies of current Internet commerce-related protocols and numerous links to electronic commerce sites and software on the World Wide Web.
  • Explains what software, hardware and services merchants will need before they can sell good over the Internet.
  • Explains how public key cryptography is used to transact business over the Internet.
  • Includes a discussion of Internet security protocols e.g. SSL and S-HTTP, and how they are implemented.
  • Extensive coverage of all the major merchants in electronic commerce- including different types of payment, audience, and services offered.

About the author.
Pete Loshin, a Boston-based networking consultant, has written almost one hundred articles which have appeared in industry publications like PC Magazine, PC World, Communications Week and many others. He recently published TCP/IP for Everyone.

System Requirements

PC Windows 3.1
Required CPU 386
Required RAM 4MB
Misc Support Modem

Box Scans

Retail Box cover Electronic Commerce: On-Line Ordering. Retail Box back Electronic Commerce: On-Line Ordering.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
