Duke It Out In D.C. (PC, CD-ROM) Wizardworks - 1997 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Duke It Out In D.C.
Product ID 22242-51321
Product UPC 722242513215
Platform(s) PC
Media CD-ROM
Copyright date 1997
Publisher(s) Wizardworks
Category(s) Entertainment, Arcade
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

  • Exclusive new levels.
  • Incredible new textures.
  • Includes bonus secret level.

The president of the U.S. has been kidnapped- it's up to Duke to set him free!

Aliens have captured the President! Duke gets word that alien scum have landed in Washington D.C., laid it to waste, and imprisoned the leader of the free world. Always up for a heroic deed, Duke heads to D.C. to rid the city of enemy dirtbags and return the president to power!


  • 9 Of the hugest, most incredible Duke levels ever! There's a 10th "Top Secret" level that we can't tell you about here (Clue: Duke goes back in time to an ancient world).
  • Duke It Out In D.C. Guide- which gives you a mission briefing and level storyline.
  • Award winning levels creator- levels created by winner of TEN's best Duke Nukem 3D levels.

Duke travels through the White House, Lincoln Memorial, FBI, Smithsonian, the Naval Institute, Capitol Building, Control Center, Subway System, D.C. Sewage, the Naval Weapons Plant and much more!

System Requirements

Required CPU 486-25
Required RAM 8MB
Req. Hard Drive 10MB Free
Required CD Speed 2X
Recommend RAM 16MB
Supports Mouse Yes
Supports Joystick Yes
Recommend Audio SoundBlaster
Gravis UltraSound
Supported Video VGA

Box Scans



Package Contents

Requires Additional Software




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
