Decisive Battles Of The American Civil War (C64, 5 1/4" Disk) Strategic Studies Group - 1987 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Decisive Battles Of The American Civil War
Folio cover Decisive Battles Of The American Civil War.
Product ID 92145-01642
Product UPC 092145016428
Platform(s) C64
Packaging Folio
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1987
Publisher(s) Strategic Studies Group
Category(s) Entertainment, Simulation, Wargame, USA Civil War Wargame
Country of Origin Australia

Description from the packaging.

Volume One. Bull Run to Chancellorsville.
By Roger Keating and Ian Trout.

First Bull Run, Shiloh, Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville.

Can you, as Ulysses S. Grant, stop the Rebs at Shiloh...?
Can you, as Robert E. Lee, save your army from disaster at Antietam...?
Can you, as Fighting Joe Hooker, turn the tide in the East and smash the Confederates at Chancellorsville...?

Compare yourself with America's greatest Generals!

SSG's new Decisive Battles System allows you to step into the past and command the forces or North and South in 6 great battles from the War between the States.

Decisive Battles' easy-to-use menu system will have you issuing orders like a veteran within ten minutes of assuming command.

To give you even more authority on the computer battlefield, Decisive Battles includes a comprehensive wargame construction set, Warplan, and a complete graphics editor, Warpaint.

Warplan allows you to create endless variations to the historical scenarios as well as designing your own original battles.

Warpaint gives you complete graphic control over the icon and terrain symbols used in the game. Shapes and colors can be changed at will to produce your own special effects.

System Requirements

Required RAM 64K

Folio Scans

Folio cover Decisive Battles Of The American Civil War. Folio back Decisive Battles Of The American Civil War.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
