Crime City (PC, 3 1/2" Disk) Micro Mysteries - 1992 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Crime City
Packaging cover Crime City.
Product ID 51676-90120
Product UPC 751676901206
Platform(s) PC
Packaging Retail Box
Media 3 1/2" Disk
Copyright date 1992
Publisher(s) Micro Mysteries
Category(s) Entertainment, Adventure, Mystery
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Your father is in jail for murder- and only you can prove him innocent and set him free!

Introducing the exciting first release of the new Micro Mysteries series of interactive detective stories! In Crime City, the pressure is on to prove that your father's Private Eye office, you must run your own investigation to find the real murder and clear your father of the charges against him! But it won't be easy...

You'll need to hack into your father's computer files, phone his contacts, read his letters, talk to some strange people and search around town looking for vital clues! Everything you need to solve this crime will not be free, so you may want to try your luck playing the stock market, or resort to borrowing money from a loan shark!

Crime City is easy to play!
To leave your office, simply point and click your mouse on one of the locations on your area map. Once you arrive at a destination, explore it by clicking your mouse on interesting objects to get clues. But don't take too long to solve the mystery! Your father is stuck behind bars and time is running out!

  • Much of your research and investigation will take place in your father's office!
  • To travel to different locations, simply point at the site you wish to visit and click!
  • Once at a location, you can explore it by pointing at interesting objects and clicking to get clues!


  • Exciting murder mystery!
  • Truly easy to use!
  • Fantastic pictures and music create a great atmosphere!
  • A variety of people you can talk to!

Micro Mysteries.
Micro Mysteries is a great new concept unlike anything you know! Now you can be the hero in a variety of thrilling detective mysteries!

Unlike any other computer adventure, Micro Mysteries is really easy to play! Micro Mysteries has worked hard so that you don't need to! You can do everything you want just by moving a mouse and clicking!

If you enjoy detective stories, you'll love Micro Mysteries!

System Requirements

Required CPU XT 8088/8086
Required RAM 640K
Recommend Mouse Yes
Supported Audio Yes
Supported Video EGA

Box Scans

Retail Box cover Crime City. Retail Box back Crime City.



Package Contents

Included in the Following Collection(s)




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
