Conquering Fractions (+,-) (Apple II, 3 1/2" Disk) MECC - 1988 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Conquering Fractions (+,-)
Packaging cover Conquering Fractions (+,-).
Product ID 49709-10109
Product UPC 049709101090
Product ISBN 0-87490-481-1
Manufacturer # A-204
Platform(s) Apple II
Packaging Generic Binder
Media 3 1/2" Disk
Copyright date 1988
Publisher(s) MECC
Category(s) Education, Mathematics, Fractions
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Extensive practice sessions and stimulating games help children learn how to add and subtract fractional numbers.

Conquering Fractions (+,-) gives students practice with adding and subtracting fractions. A visual representation is available for each problem and built-in help sequences are included for those students who seem to be having trouble. This product focuses on the process and visualization of adding and subtracting fractions and it is assumed that students know basic addition and subtraction facts. Teacher Options are provided to allow you to regulate the operations and problem types available to the student, to view records of student performance, and to select terminology consistent with your teaching.

Two games that directly reinforce the instructional objectives introduced in the programs are also included on this diskette. The use of these games can be controlled by the teacher through the Teacher Options. Fraction Chompers is a timed game in which students must locate fraction expressions whose sums or differences are equal to given target values. The top ten scores for this game are kept in a special list for viewing. Fraction Dash is a race in which students compete against the computer or another student. The track is 10 units long and students must choose whether each unit will be subdivided into sixths, eighths, tenths, or twelfths. Moves are determined by adding or subtracting fractional values. Shortcuts and chance spaces add some excitement to the race and allow for implementing strategies.

Students can exit a program or game by pressing the Escape (Esc) Key twice any time the program is waiting for a response. The sound can also be turned on or off by holding down the Control Key and typing the letter S (Control-S).

System Requirements

Apple II
Required CPU Apple IIe
Required RAM 128K

Packaging Scans

Binder cover Conquering Fractions (+,-). Binder back Conquering Fractions (+,-).



Package Contents



Designer Sheila Dols, Vincent Erickson, Susan M. Gabrys, Shari Glenn, Scott Jensen, Jane Peterson, Craig Solomonson, James L. Thompson


Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
