Business Forms & Letters Libraries (PC, CD-ROM) Powersource - 1996 USA, Canada Release
Business Forms & Letters Libraries
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Product ID | 98936-00467 |
Product UPC | 798936004673 |
Platform(s) | PC |
Packaging | Jewel Case |
Media | CD-ROM |
Copyright date | 1996 |
Publisher(s) | Powersource |
Category(s) | Productivity, Word Processing, Letters |
Country of Origin | United States of America |
Description from the packaging.
Create professional looking business forms and letters on the fly with this deluxe forms library. This CD contains over 600 completed ASCII text documents that can be imported into any word processor. You can then custom tailor them to suit your needs. This great library will shave hours off the time needed to write letters by saving typing time or those mental blocks that sometimes occur when you know what you want to say but have trouble putting it down in writing.
There are also several great form generation programs that will help you design professional looking forms for almost any business need imaginable. This eliminates having to pay top dollar for designing them or purchasing in stores.
All forms and letters have been indexed for quick retrieval.
System Requirements
Box Scans
Package Contents
Cheats or Easter Eggs
Technical Notes
- 1996 Letters
- 1996 PC Software
- 1996 Powersource
- 1996 Productivity
- 1996 Software
- 1996 Windows 3.x Letters
- 1996 Windows 3.x Productivity
- 1996 Windows 3.x Software
- 1996 Windows 3.x Word Processing
- 1996 Word Processing
- Letters
- PC Software
- Powersource
- Productivity
- Windows 3.x Letters
- Windows 3.x Productivity
- Windows 3.x Software
- Windows 3.x Word Processing
- Word Processing