Breakthrough In The Ardennes (Apple II, 5 1/4" Disk) Strategic Simulations, Inc. - 1984 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Breakthrough In The Ardennes
Packaging cover Breakthrough In The Ardennes.
Product ID SSIIN0014
Platform(s) Apple II
Packaging Retail Box
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1984
Publisher(s) Strategic Simulations, Inc.
Category(s) Entertainment, Simulation, Wargame, World War II Wargame
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

A detailed simulation of the Battle of the Bulge.

Designed for the avid strategist, Breakthrough in the Ardennes is a detailed regimental/brigade-level simulation of one of the most popular wargame topics: The Battle of the Bulge. Covering the battle in twelve turns, each representing a full day of operations, it possesses exhaustive features and combat rules. Your options and activities include supply, air strikes, allocating corps artillery, building-up and breaking-down regiments and divisions, constructing and destroying bridges, fortifying, changing modes and moving units.

All infantry, engineer, airborne and armored units are historically rated for combat strength, efficiency, fortification level, supply status, mode and artillery support content. Weather, which played such a major role in the real battle, is also incorporated.

The scrolling Hi-Res color map displays the battlefield on a 32x31 hex grid, each representing approximately two miles. The extensive road network of the Ardennes is taken into account.

Strategic Simulations has gone to great lengths to set up the actual conditions of this historical conflict. Now is your chance to answer the burning question: 'How would the Battle of the Bulge have ended if I had been in command?'

In solitaire, the computer directs the American forces.

A four-color laminated mapboard showing the entire battlefield is provided to help you play this advanced wargame.

  • Battalion/regimental-level game with divisional build-ups and breakdowns possible.
  • Each unit rated for combat strength, efficiency, fortification level, stacking value and unit type.
  • Three scenarios covering the battle from December 16-27.
  • Game play covers allocating air strikes, artillery support an combat. Units enter and leave travel mode and draw supplies on the detailed road network.
  • 32 x 31 Hexagonal grid map in which each hex represents two miles.
  • Two-player and computer-as-American scenarios.

Breakthrough in the Ardennes was designed by David Landrey and Chuck Kroegel.

  • Playing time: 12 Hours
  • Advanced Level

System Requirements

Apple II
Required RAM 48K

Box Scans

Retail Box cover Breakthrough In The Ardennes. Retail Box back Breakthrough In The Ardennes.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
