Beyond The Forbidden Forest (C64, 5 1/4" Disk) Cosmi - 1985 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Beyond The Forbidden Forest
Packaging cover Beyond The Forbidden Forest.
Product ID 22787-64227
Product UPC 022787642273
Platform(s) C64
Packaging Retail Box
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1985
Publisher(s) Cosmi
Developer(s) Paul Norman
Category(s) Entertainment, Arcade
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Beyond The Forbidden Forest is a free form adventure program designed in OnmiDimension 4D, which not only depicts the passage of time, but also allows the character to appear to move in and out of the screen as well as in front of and behind objects. The goal of the archer is to destroy the Demogorgon who lurks in the cave beneath the castle (Part II). In order to accomplish this task, the player must first battle his way through the Forbidden Forest, eliminating the monsters sent by the Demogorgon to terminate his quest, while accumulating sufficient golden arrows to prevail in the Underworld. Remember, since Beyond The Forbidden Forest is designed in OnmiDimension 4D, you may be required to not only fire your arrows at different elevations, but also in different directions including into and out of the monitor screen. Be careful not to shoot yourself!

By Paul Norman.

System Requirements

Required RAM 64K
Requires Joystick Yes

Box Scans

Retail Box cover Beyond The Forbidden Forest. Retail Box back Beyond The Forbidden Forest.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
