Better Working Wordpro With Turbo Load And Save (C64, 5 1/4" Disk and Cartridge) Spinnaker - 1986 USA, Canada Release
Better Working Wordpro With Turbo Load And Save
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Product ID | 87659-00165 |
Product UPC | 087659001657 |
Platform(s) | C64 |
Packaging | Retail Box |
Media | 5 1/4" Disk and Cartridge |
Copyright date | 1986 |
Publisher(s) | Spinnaker |
Category(s) | Productivity, Word Processing, Word Processor |
Country of Origin | United States of America |
Description from the packaging.
Wordpro with Turbo Load and Save saves you time by helping you quickly and easily compose, edit and proofread written documents.
Wordpro with Turbo Load and Save is the ideal program for producing business and personal letters, reports, school assignments, articles, mass mailings and much more. This sophisticated word processor features a unique high speed disk operating system, a powerful spellchecker, and advanced features not found even in high priced word processors.
Unlike other word processors, Wordpro with Turbo Load and Save operates with lightning speed. There's no more endless waiting for the disk drive to load or save text. Because includes in this package is the Turbo Load and Save cartridge which when used with the Wordpro disk speeds up the operation of your disk drive by 500%!
In addition, Wordpro lets you easily compose documents and quickly and accurately check them with the program's 100,000 word spellchecker. And Wordpro even allows you to add your own custom words to the dictionary and lets you make corrections without leaving the spellchecker.
Wordpro with Turbo Load and Save includes all of the powerful features you expect- and more. Here are more examples:
- Full 40/80 column text editing functions such as insert, delete, search and replace, and automatic word wrap.
- Complete text formatting functions including margin set, indent, tabbing, centering, highlighting, underlining, double columns and more.
- Full documentation functions such as unlimited documentation length, automatic page numbering, headers, footers, document chaining and personalized form letter mailings.
- 100,000 word spellchecker which can be customized with proper names, addresses or special words to personalize the dictionary to meet your needs.
- Super fast disk drive operation- 500% faster than other word processors.
- Interfaces with Better Working Filepro 64 to allow automatic generation of mass mailings from address records.
- Supports over 100 printers with preview, custom printer set-up, and proportional spacing with right justification.
- Not copy protected so back-up copies can be made hassle-free.
System Requirements
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Required RAM | 64K |
Box Scans
Package Contents
Cheats or Easter Eggs
Technical Notes
- 1986 C64 Productivity
- 1986 C64 Word Processing
- 1986 C64 Word Processor
- 1986 Commodore 64 Software
- 1986 Productivity
- 1986 Software
- 1986 Spinnaker
- 1986 Word Processing
- 1986 Word Processor
- C64 Productivity
- Commodore 64 Software
- C64 Word Processing
- C64 Word Processor
- Productivity
- Spinnaker
- Word Processing
- Word Processor