Algebra 2 (C64, 5 1/4" Disk) EduWare - 1982 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Algebra 2
Packaging cover Algebra 2.
Product ID 45445-30502
Product UPC 045445305020
Platform(s) C64
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1982
Publisher(s) EduWare
Category(s) Education, Mathematics, Algebra
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

  • Learn rules and properties for addition and multiplication of real numbers.
  • Solve equations and inequalities.
  • Master axioms of order, transformations and combining techniques.

Don't play games with algebra.

Algebra is serious business. So you shouldn't play games with it.

And serious learning requires more than just cursory question-and-answer sessions. That's why EduWare teaches algebra in a comprehensive, step-by-step manner. Which means every topic is presented in these four steps:

  • Terms and Concepts
  • Rules and Applications
  • Step-by-Step Examples
  • Problem Solving Practice

You can study each topic a step at a time. Skip the steps you already know. Or focus on those on those you need to review.

What's more, instant feedback on tests given throughout the program lets you know immediately what you're doing right. And where you need extra help. There's even a posttest on everything you learned.

Every program in the EduWare Algebra series is designed to help you master this serious subject. And we know that it's working, because it's been proven time and time again- in both the classroom and the home.

High School and above.

Whether you work on problem areas or work ahead in class, Algebra 2 is sure to help you master the following algebraic concepts:

  • Axioms of Equality
  • Identity Elements and Inverse of Addition and Multiplication
  • Axioms of Addition and Multiplication: Closure, Communative, Associative and Distributive.
  • Solving Inequalities by Applying Axioms of Order, Transformation and Combining.

Use Algebra 2 by itself. Or use it with the entire EduWare Algebra series- for a complete first-year algebra course. Either way, you won't find a better way to master algebra.

System Requirements

Required RAM 64K

Box Scans

Retail Box cover Algebra 2. Retail Box back Algebra 2.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
