Ace Of Aces (PC, 5 1/4" Disk) Accolade - 1986 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Ace Of Aces
Packaging cover Ace Of Aces.
Product ID 15605-67083
Product UPC 015605670831
Platform(s) PC
Packaging Retail Box
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1986
Publisher(s) Accolade
Developer(s) Artech Digital Entertainment
Category(s) Entertainment, Simulation, Flight Simulator, World War II Flight Simulator
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Hair raising combat simulation.
"No British aircraft will ever bomb Berlin," Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goering had often boasted. But in the middle of a Nazi anniversary speech in January 1943, his listeners ducked for cover as a carefully timed raid of RAF Mosquitoes struck Berlin in broad daylight.

Ace of Aces captures the spirit and puts you in the cockpit of the Mosquito, maverick RAF fighter bomber of World War II. Down the Nazi bombers, sink the U-boats, outrun the V-1 Buzz Bombs and stop the enemy trains. Choose your weapons and fuel wisely- once you're out on a mission, there is no going back. To become Ace of Aces, you must complete all missions successfully.

What does it take to be an Ace? From you, legendary British pride and guts. From Accolade, legendary playability. Accolade has done its part. The rest is up to you, mate.

Ace of Aces combines the exhilaration of flight with the gut-wrenching pressure of enemy confrontation. From the moment you zoom through the clouds in a scrap with Nazi fighters to the heart-stopping second you spot the U-boats of Kiel, the defense of the Allied world is in your hands. Are you equal to the challenge?

After mastering a few flying tricks in your speed bomber, it's time to develop your strategy: Choosing the right number of machine guns, rockets and bombs to achieve your mission. Keep your distance when firing on V-1 Buzz Bombs, or be blown to bits. Bomb the trains without harming British and American POWs. And don't forget to estimate your fuel accurately, or you'll be swimming in the English Channel.

Your intelligence report says to fly east, so you consult your map. Should you go through the storm or around? You're both the hunter and the hunted- the clouds hide enemy aircraft, so take heed. Your only allies are your wits, your weapons, and your radar. When you reach the U-boats and the trains, you'll need the stamina to blast targets accurately. Or be blasted.

System Requirements

Required CPU XT 8088/8086
Required RAM 256K
Supports Joystick Yes
Supported Video CGA
Hercules Monochrome

Box Scans

Retail Box cover Ace Of Aces. Retail Box back Ace Of Aces.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
