Category:Software Publisher
From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
A software publisher is a publishing company in the software industry between the developer and the distributor. In some companies, two or all three of these roles may be combined.
This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 1,942 total.
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- 21st Century Media (empty)
- 47-Tek (empty)
- Above Software (empty)
- Access Softek (empty)
- ACT Laboratory Ltd. (empty)
- Action Ware (empty)
- Acumen*Caliber (empty)
- Adaptec, Inc. (empty)
- Advanced Gravis (empty)
- Advantage Software Group (empty)
- Affinity Microsystems Ltd. (empty)
- AirMedia (empty)
- Aldia Systems (empty)
- Aldridge Company, The (empty)
- Alfred Publishing Co. (empty)
- Alias Research Inc. (empty)
- Amaryllis (empty)
- American Greetings (empty)
- Animotion Development (empty)
- Ann Arbor Softworks (empty)
- Anti Gravity Products (empty)
- Apex (empty)
- Apian Software (empty)
- Applied Information Technology (empty)
- Applied MicroSystems (empty)
- Approach Software (empty)
- Apriori Software (empty)
- Apt Projects Ltd. (empty)
- ArcaMax, Inc. (empty)
- ARK Multimedia (empty)
- Arrays, Inc. (empty)
- Art Gallery Of Nova Scotia (empty)
- ArtSector One (empty)
- ArtSoft (empty)
- Ashton-Tate (empty)
- ASL Software Publishing (empty)
- Astral Development (empty)
- Asymetrix Corp. (empty)
- Atech Software (empty)
- ATI Technologies (empty)
- Atlas Model Railroad Company (empty)
- Attachmate Corporation (empty)
- Attitash Software (empty)
- Austin James (empty)
- Automap (empty)
- Automated Design Systems (empty)
- Autosoft (empty)
- AV Systems (empty)
- Avant-Garde Systems (empty)
- Avery Dennison (empty)
- Axia International Inc. (empty)
- Axion Spatial Imaging (empty)
- AXRA (empty)
- Aztech Software (empty)
- B-Plan USA (empty)
- Ba'rac Limited (empty)
- Backus-Naur Inc. (empty)
- Backyard Computing (empty)
- Banner Blue Software (empty)
- Barron's Educational Series (empty)
- BDG Publishing Inc. (empty)
Pages in category "Software Publisher"
The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.