Maabus (PC, CD-ROM) Microforum - 1995 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Product ID 61297-12724
Product UPC 061297127245
Platform(s) PC
Media CD-ROM
Copyright date 1995
Publisher(s) Microforum
Category(s) Entertainment, Adventure
Country of Origin Canada

Description from the packaging.

With Maabus, Microforum has created the ultimate video game! Revolutionary features make this new game a totally spectacular interactive experience. Over 1,400 3-D animations- more than in any other game on the market today allow the user to explore an everchanging backdrop of intriguing scenery. A gripping plot challenges the player at every turn. Hundreds of audio effects and original music bring each moment of play to life. Mutant creatures, evil aliens and captivating live action video clips are just some of the reasons Maabus is sure to be one of the most exciting games you'll ever play!

A 3 CD-ROM game!

System Requirements

PC Windows 3.1
Required CPU 486-33
Required RAM 4MB
Requires Mouse Yes
Required CD Speed 2X
Recommend RAM 8MB
Required Audio SoundBlaster
Supported Video SVGA 256 Color

Box Scans



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
