Eye Of Horus (C64, 5 1/4" Disk) Fanfare - 1989 USA, Canada Release

From Eli's Software Encyclopedia
Eye Of Horus
Packaging cover Eye Of Horus.
Product ID 45445-30405
Product UPC 045445304054
Platform(s) C64
Packaging Retail Box
Media 5 1/4" Disk
Copyright date 1989
Publisher(s) Britannica Software
Label Fanfare
Category(s) Entertainment, Arcade
Country of Origin United States of America

Description from the packaging.

Assume the powers of royal divinity in the magical realm of ancient Egyptian mythology. As Horus - son of the god-king, Oriris, and his legendary wife, Isis- you are heir to the throne. But your rightful position has been usurped by the vicious Set. He's slain your father, scattered his remains and claimed himself king.

In a labyrinth deep beneath the scorching Sahara sands, tainted hieroglyphs come alive to guard dark passageways. Gods metamorphose into serpents and dragons. Even you, Horus, can turn into a hawk.

You'll search the catacombs for remains of your father. For magic keys. And for the sacred amulets you'll need to confront the wrath of Set.

So go forth now. Avenge your father's death. And reclaim your birthright: a seat on the throne of Ancient Egyptian divinity...But first you must fight for it.

  • Cutting-Edge Arcade Action.
  • Exotic Egyptian Graphics.
  • Unique Self-Mapping Option.

System Requirements

Required RAM 64K
Requires Joystick Yes

Box Scans

Retail Box cover Eye Of Horus. Retail Box back Eye Of Horus.



Package Contents




Cheats or Easter Eggs

Technical Notes
